Slab City, CA, also known as The Slabs, is a non-incorporated, self-sufficient slum community consisting mostly of snowbirds. Slab city has a distinctive character that contradicts conventional urban life where people live off the grid, within a desert-dwelling squatting community.
This unique homestead is located on two acres of private land, between a busy freeway and a national forest, between the Sierra Nevada mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
Because Slab City has no zoning laws, people do not need to follow other cities’ environmental rules.
However, if you can look beyond the junk and trash around, there is beauty to Slab City and attractions to enjoy.
Salvation Mountain is a visionary landscape made by native resident Leonard Knight. It is also referred to as “The Valley of Dust,” “Desert Rock,” and “The Mountain of Flowers.”
Located in the middle of nowhere, the structure represents a place where all the earthly hopes and desires would be fulfilled, not only in death but also in life. Although its location makes it inaccessible to most people, it serves as an inspiration to people worldwide.
East Jesus is an experimental art installation with no religious connotation in the name East Jesus. It is a collection of fascinating art in the middle of nowhere beyond the edge of serviceability. The off-grid facility operates with no municipal utilities.
The Slab City library is the only library in the United States where you don’t have to return any books. Thankfully, over 4000 books have been donated. And it’s the only place around with the internet.
The Range is an outdoor nightclub complete with a stage, lights, amplifiers, and speakers, with tattered couches and old chairs for seating. Every Saturday, locals, and visitors meet for a talent show that features musicians and anyone else who wants to perform.
Be sure to visit the empty swimming pool built during WWII, where people skate. It’s not in the greatest shape, but an excellent place to see.